Working in the Cemeteries

More about Josel von Rosheim


For 50 years now, Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste has held summer camps. This time, Günter Boll and Gerhard Dümchen returned to supervise the young participants. Their focus was on the cemetery in Mackenheim and initial research into the old cemetery behind synagogue square in Breisach. Dr. Gil Hüttenmeister taught and advised the group.


The new traveling exhibition on Josel von Rosheim (1478-1554) was shown at the Breisach City Museum. A series of events was held with the aim of raising awareness about this important Jewish qaaleader and his biographer, Selma Stern. Born in Kippenheim, she wrote about Josel’s life and work after she fled to the USA.


The basis for the traveling exhibition was the translation of her book into French by Prof. Freddy Raphaël and Monique Ebstein.