Annual Meeting of Alemannia Judaica on Both Sides of the Rhine

The annual meeting was organized by the Blue House together with the mayor of Mackenheim and the Society for the History of Jews in Alsace and Lorraine (SHIAL), and took place in Breisach and Mackenheim.


Participants held a protest commemoration at the Jewish Cemetery in Ihringen, which had recently been severely vandalized for the third time in 17 years.


Friends from Sulzburg, Efringen-Kirchen and Breisach responded to Victor Rosenberg’s request and transcribed his family’s letters. His father, who was born in Breisach and fled to the USA, had left them in a box.


A reading from this collection of letters was performed in Freiburg and Breisach. It made the plight of those deported to the Gurs camp, and also the stories of those who were able to escape to Palestine, tangible.